Paging Sorting with a filter object
Dipl.rer.pol. Stephan Gerth, develops bigger database applications over the last 20 years.
May 20, 2009
ZK 3.6.x
The ZKoss paging component by default works with the complete list of loaded records. To work with huge tables we need to modify the paging component so that it shows only the exact count of records that the user can see in the page of the listbox. By paging we intercept the paging event and do a special call to the database where we can overhanded the page and the pagesize (count of pulled records). So we became page for page only subsets of the result.
The interesting part to solve is to work with a database oriented paging mechanism AND accept changes of the sort-order triggered by the listheaders.
For an overview how the pagination can be coded look at the Smalltalk from Marcos de Sousa: Use Load-On-Demand to Handle Hugh Data..
In short: Pagination is a block wise loading of records.
- reduces DB work;
- reduces network traffic between Database and the application server;
- reduces cpu and memory demand
- reduces the response time;
- increase the data throughput
Problem Definition
If we want database paged records from a table and would like to allow changing the sort order of these data by clicking on the listheaders we have to consider two things:
- First we must do consequently the sorting on the database to prevent users confusion if the resultset sorted in the grid.
- Secondly we need the right place in code where we can catch which of the listheaders is clicked for changing the sorting.
- Third we need a mechanism to remember what is the originally query that should now be modified for sorting in an other sort order.
Why we need this?
Let us consider what we want from the database side: First we have a sql statement with a where clause. Second we want to add/manipulate the order by clause. By changing the sort order we need to remember what is in the select clause and in the where clause.
We can store pieces of the sql statement in separate strings and stick it together in the sequence we need for the new sort order.
Hmmmm. But what is when we do not work with direct sql statements and we would work with the Hibernate Criteria Classes. In all times we have do many lines to coding for storing/manipulating the sql stuff. Further in fine separated tiers we want not to have hibernate calls in the frontend.
So as we all times said: All is an object.
We do solve our problem with a helper class.
These helper class should do the following:
- store the entity class
- add/edit the where clause
- add/edit the order by clause
So by sorting in the listbox we access all times these search object in which the select statement and the where clause are initially stored so we must modify only the sort by clause.
I remember me that I have a few days before seen a framework on It called Hibernate-Generic-DAO. See: So I have a second look on it and see that they work with a search object. This search object are filled in the frontend than overhanded to the backend and evaluated their. Going deeper in it I recognize that this class is exactly what we need. Unfortunately we already have our own Generic DAO Base class so we became problems to integrate only the search class from the framework.
I have contacted David Wolverton the developer of this framework. After a few emails he surprised me with a new version. In it he had separated the search class in an own package for easily using with zkoss or other frameworks. Absolute great thanks to David Wolverton.
The way is the goal
As playing with the search object i see that there is a need for a second helper class. By thinking over a migration for all our sample listboxes to do paging and sorting with the search object we need a wrapper class around the listbox. In which we can catch the paging and sorting events. So we can use these class for all of our listboxes.
The implementation
I will show the implementation with a search mask for customers. By writing this smalltalk I see there is a need for a third helper class if I will comfortably use it for other search masks. Above all if I will open the search mask new after closing it because for editing the old search definition.
I hope you have downloaded the newest jars from the Hibernate-Generic-DAO framework. Today the version 0.4.3 is actually with a separate search class package. You found the link for downloading ( ) on the right side under Links --> jars .
All components in the used zul-files are autowired, means all the window controllers are extended from a BaseController that implements AfterCompose where the components are binded. So in java-code we have full access to the used zkoss components over their component-id's.
Helper Classes:
- / Helper class for easier working of changing the sort order of paged records. Catches the paging / sorting events.
- / Extendable helper class for showing several search operators in a listbox.
- / ItemRenderer for SearchOperator listbox.
- / capsulates the search object from the Hibernate-Generic-DAO framework.
Ok. Let』s begin.
1. The listbox
We have a listbox that』s shows a list of customers. In this sample we have created test data with 210.027 records. You can see the total Size in the right border on top. PageSize is 20 records per page.
We fill the listbox initially when we created the window. We created a search object on which only the entity class is assigned and a initial sort order is set.
The Hibernate-Generic-DAO framework doesn』t only give back a List of objects. It has a SearchResult object that holds the List and the Total Count of the query.
So we call the second constructor of our PagedListWrapper and have the total Size of records too.
public void onCreate$window_customerList(Event event) throws Exception {
. . .
// ++ create the searchObject and init sorting ++//
searchObj = new HibernateSearchObject(Kunde.class);
searchObj.addSort("kunName1", false);
// set the paging component params
int pageSize = 20;
// Binded but not used listheaders must be declared like ->
// lh.setSortAscending(""); lh.setSortDescending("")
listheader_CustNo.setSortAscending(new FieldComparator("kunNr", true));
listheader_CustNo.setSortDescending(new FieldComparator("kunNr", false));
listheader_CustMatchcode.setSortAscending(new FieldComparator("kunMatchcode", true));
listheader_CustMatchcode.setSortDescending(new FieldComparator("kunMatchcode", false));
listheader_CustName1.setSortAscending(new FieldComparator("kunName1", true));
listheader_CustName1.setSortDescending(new FieldComparator("kunName1", false));
listheader_CustName2.setSortAscending(new FieldComparator("kunName2", true));
listheader_CustName2.setSortDescending(new FieldComparator("kunName2", false));
listheader_CustCity.setSortAscending(new FieldComparator("kunOrt", true));
listheader_CustCity.setSortDescending(new FieldComparator("kunOrt", false));
listBoxCustomer.setModel( new PagedListWrapper<Kunde>(listBoxCustomer,
getTestService().getSRBySearchObject( searchObj, 0, pageSize),
listBoxCustomer.setItemRenderer(new CustomerListModelItemRenderer());
2. The search mask
The search mask have a few textbox components that corresponds to the table fields. At last there is a dropdown listbox that holds a list of branch objects that a customer can be assigned to. This is a relation on database side to the branch table. Between the label and the textboxes we have dropdown listboxes that holds all implemented filters by the helper class. See the documentation of the search object for more filters.
These filter operators are in a helper class called that can be extended. By pressing the search button we call our search method and added for every not empty input field a new filter type with the value to our search object.
* Search/filter data for the filled out fields<br>
* <br>
* 1. Checks for each textbox if there are a value. <br>
* 2. Checks which operator is selected. <br>
* 3. Store the filter and value in the searchObject. <br>
* 4. Call the ServiceDAO method with searchObject as parameter. <br>
public void doSearch() {
HibernateSearchObject<Kunde> so = new HibernateSearchObject(Kunde.class);
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(kunNr.getValue())) {
// get the search operator
Listitem item = sortOperator_kunNr.getSelectedItem();
if (item != null) {
int searchOpId = ((SearchOperators) item.getAttribute("data")).getSearchOperatorId();
if (searchOpId == Filter.OP_ILIKE) {
so.addFilter(new Filter("kunNr", "%" + kunNr.getValue().toUpperCase() + "%", searchOpId));
} else if (searchOpId == -1) {
// do nothing
} else {
so.addFilter(new Filter("kunNr", kunNr.getValue(), searchOpId));
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(kunMatchcode.getValue())) {
// get the search operator
Listitem item = sortOperator_kunMatchcode.getSelectedItem();
if (item != null) {
int searchOpId = ((SearchOperators) item.getAttribute("data")).getSearchOperatorId();
if (searchOpId == Filter.OP_ILIKE) {
so.addFilter(new Filter("kunMatchcode", "%" + kunMatchcode.getValue().toUpperCase() + "%", searchOpId));
} else if (searchOpId == -1) {
// do nothing
} else {
so.addFilter(new Filter("kunMatchcode", kunMatchcode.getValue(), searchOpId));
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(kunName1.getValue())) {
// get the search operator
Listitem item = sortOperator_kunName1.getSelectedItem();
if (item != null) {
int searchOpId = ((SearchOperators) item.getAttribute("data")).getSearchOperatorId();
if (searchOpId == Filter.OP_ILIKE) {
so.addFilter(new Filter("kunName1", "%" + kunName1.getValue().toUpperCase() + "%", searchOpId));
} else if (searchOpId == -1) {
// do nothing
} else {
so.addFilter(new Filter("kunName1", kunName1.getValue(), searchOpId));
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(kunName2.getValue())) {
// get the search operator
Listitem item = sortOperator_kunName2.getSelectedItem();
if (item != null) {
int searchOpId = ((SearchOperators) item.getAttribute("data")).getSearchOperatorId();
if (searchOpId == Filter.OP_ILIKE) {
so.addFilter(new Filter("kunName2", "%" + kunName2.getValue().toUpperCase() + "%", searchOpId));
} else if (searchOpId == -1) {
// do nothing
} else {
so.addFilter(new Filter("kunName2", kunName2.getValue(), searchOpId));
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(kunOrt.getValue())) {
// get the search operator
Listitem item = sortOperator_kunOrt.getSelectedItem();
if (item != null) {
int searchOpId = ((SearchOperators) item.getAttribute("data")).getSearchOperatorId();
if (searchOpId == Filter.OP_ILIKE) {
so.addFilter(new Filter("kunOrt", "%" + kunOrt.getValue().toUpperCase() + "%", searchOpId));
} else if (searchOpId == -1) {
// do nothing
} else {
so.addFilter(new Filter("kunOrt", kunOrt.getValue(), searchOpId));
if (kunBranche.getSelectedCount() > 0) {
// check if it the default empty item
Listitem itemB = kunBranche.getSelectedItem();
Branche branche = (Branche) itemB.getAttribute("data");
if (!branche.getBraNr().equalsIgnoreCase("000")) {
// get the search operator
Listitem item = sortOperator_kunBranch.getSelectedItem();
if (item != null) {
int searchOpId = ((SearchOperators) item.getAttribute("data")).getSearchOperatorId();
if (searchOpId == Filter.OP_ILIKE) {
so.addFilter(new Filter("branche", branche, searchOpId));
} else if (searchOpId == -1) {
// do nothing
} else {
so.addFilter(new Filter("branche", branche, searchOpId));
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
List<Filter> lf = so.getFilters();
for (Filter filter : lf) {
logger.debug(filter.getProperty().toString() + " / " + filter.getValue().toString());
if (Filter.OP_ILIKE == filter.getOperator()) {
// store the searchObject for reReading
Listbox listBox = customerCtrl.listBoxCustomer;
Paging paging = customerCtrl.pagingCustomerList;
int ps = customerCtrl.pagingCustomerList.getPageSize();
// set the model to the listbox with the initial resultset get by the DAO method.
listBox.setModel(new PagedListWrapper<Kunde>(listBox, paging,
customerCtrl.getTestService().getSRBySearchObject(so, 0, ps), so));
3. The result.
Now we have filtered 929 records that agrees with the search definition. We can now sort the data by pressing a listheader. In our case shown in the images we sort on 『Matchcode』 ascending and descending.
Because we do the sort on the database. By changing the sort order the actual page are set back to page 1.
4. Modifying the search definition
If we now call the search mask again we can re-read the stored properties/values from the search object to our mask and modifying the search definition.
* @param event
* @throws Exception
public void onCreate$customerSearchWindow(Event event) throws Exception {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("--> " + event.toString());
doOnCreateCommon(customerSearchWindow, event); // autowire the comps/vars
if (args.containsKey("customerCtrl")) {
customerCtrl = (CustomerListCtrl) args.get("customerCtrl");
} else {
customerCtrl = null;
if (args.containsKey("searchObject")) {
searchObj = (HibernateSearchObject<Kunde>) args.get("searchObject");
} else {
searchObj = null;
// +++++++++++++++++++++++ DropDown ListBox ++++++++++++++++++++++ //
// set listModel and itemRenderer for the Branch dropdown listboxes
kunBranche.setModel(new ListModelList(getBrancheService().getAlleBranche()));
kunBranche.setItemRenderer(new CustomerBrancheListModelItemRenderer());
// +++++++++++++++++++++++ DropDown ListBox ++++++++++++++++++++++ //
// set listModel and itemRenderer for the search operator type listboxes
sortOperator_kunNr.setModel(new ListModelList(new SearchOperators().getAllOperators(), true));
sortOperator_kunNr.setItemRenderer(new SearchOperatorListModelItemRenderer());
sortOperator_kunMatchcode.setModel(new ListModelList(new SearchOperators().getAllOperators()));
sortOperator_kunMatchcode.setItemRenderer(new SearchOperatorListModelItemRenderer());
sortOperator_kunName1.setModel(new ListModelList(new SearchOperators().getAllOperators()));
sortOperator_kunName1.setItemRenderer(new SearchOperatorListModelItemRenderer());
sortOperator_kunName2.setModel(new ListModelList(new SearchOperators().getAllOperators()));
sortOperator_kunName2.setItemRenderer(new SearchOperatorListModelItemRenderer());
sortOperator_kunOrt.setModel(new ListModelList(new SearchOperators().getAllOperators()));
sortOperator_kunOrt.setItemRenderer(new SearchOperatorListModelItemRenderer());
sortOperator_kunBranch.setModel(new ListModelList(new SearchOperators().getAllOperators()));
sortOperator_kunBranch.setItemRenderer(new SearchOperatorListModelItemRenderer());
// ++++ Restore the search mask input definition ++++ //
// if exists a searchObject than show formerly inputs of filter values
if (searchObj != null) {
// get the filters from the searchObject
List<Filter> ft = searchObj.getFilters();
for (Filter filter : ft) {
// restore founded properties
if (filter.getProperty().equals("kunNr")) {
restoreOperator(sortOperator_kunNr, filter);
} else if (filter.getProperty().equals("kunMatchcode")) {
restoreOperator(sortOperator_kunMatchcode, filter);
} else if (filter.getProperty().equals("kunName1")) {
restoreOperator(sortOperator_kunName1, filter);
} else if (filter.getProperty().equals("kunName2")) {
restoreOperator(sortOperator_kunName2, filter);
} else if (filter.getProperty().equals("kunOrt")) {
restoreOperator(sortOperator_kunOrt, filter);
} else if (filter.getProperty().equals("branche")) {
restoreOperator(sortOperator_kunBranch, filter);
ListModelList lml = (ListModelList) kunBranche.getModel();
// get and select the customers branch
Branche branche = (Branche) filter.getValue();
* Restore the operator sign in the operator listbox by comparing the <br>
* value of the filter. <br>
* @param listbox
* Listbox that shows the operator signs.
* @param filter
* Filter that corresponds to the operator listbox.
private void restoreOperator(Listbox listbox, Filter filter) {
if (filter.getOperator() == Filter.OP_EQUAL) {
} else if (filter.getOperator() == Filter.OP_NOT_EQUAL) {
} else if (filter.getOperator() == Filter.OP_LESS_THAN) {
} else if (filter.getOperator() == Filter.OP_GREATER_THAN) {
} else if (filter.getOperator() == Filter.OP_LESS_OR_EQUAL) {
} else if (filter.getOperator() == Filter.OP_GREATER_OR_EQUAL) {
} else if (filter.getOperator() == Filter.OP_ILIKE) {
// Delete used '%' signs if the operator is like or iLike
String str = StringUtils.replaceChars(filter.getValue().toString(), "%", "");
We extend the search criteria about the 『Name 2』 with a equals like 『Vossen』. We became a new resultset about 9 records.
5. What happens on the backend side
Remember! All what we have done is creating a PagedListWrapper that holds mainly the listbox, paging component, a initialList or initial SearchResult object and the search object. The backend call when paging or sorting is done by the refreshModel() method.
In this case we need the totalSize of the filtered records only by the initial call. Paging and sorting doesn』t change the totalSize of the resultset because the select and where clause are all times the same.
In our backend DAO there are two methods. Both uses the HibernateSearchProcessor from the Hibernate-Generic_DAO framework to generate a hibernate hql-statement from the search object properties i.e. filters, sorts, entities, values. Absolut great work. Thanks to David.
As you can see the only difference is the result type. Either a List or an object that holds the List and the TotalSize of the query result.
By migrating my listbox models to the paged version I have running in the old known 『hibernate session closed』 problem while calling the getter of a related object in the itemRenderer. Formerly these are running well. To solved this you must only add this deeper loaded property to the searchObject with mySearchObject.addFetch(Property String). It』s impressed me much.
6. Conclusion
Paging is an absolut must go criteria for an application that will handle huge sets of data. If we want to allow that the user can sorting the data we need to implement a logic that can remember what is the originally select statement and where clause before modifying the sort order. In this case we can work with a helper class that can hold our search definition. In this article we work with the seperated search object class from the Hibernate-Generic-DAO framework. Additionally this tool can on the backend side generate hql code (Hibernate Query Language) from the stored filter properties. To make the work with this easier we use a few helper classes that we can reuse for every listbox.
But last not least an often missing but interesting point is HOW to integrate in such a paging mechanism the listheaders sort order of the list. In the PagedListWrapper we catch the listheaders events, evaluate them and manipulate our search object with the corresponding listheaders sort order.
Many thanks for reading.
Stephan Gerth
needed Classes/Sources
package de.daibutsu.backend.dao.impl;
import java.util.List;
import org.hibernate.Session;
import org.hibernate.SessionFactory;
import de.daibutsu.backend.dao.TestDAO;
import de.daibutsu.backend.util.HibernateSearchObject;
* @author sge
public class TestDAOImpl extends BasisDAO implements TestDAO {
public List<?> getBySearchObject(HibernateSearchObject so, int start, int pageSize) {
SessionFactory sf = getHibernateTemplate().getSessionFactory();
Session ss = getHibernateTemplate().getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession();
HibernateSearchProcessor hsp = HibernateSearchProcessor.getInstanceForSessionFactory(sf);
List<?> list =, so);
return list;
public SearchResult<?> getSRBySearchObject(HibernateSearchObject so, int start, int pageSize) {
SessionFactory sf = getHibernateTemplate().getSessionFactory();
Session ss = getHibernateTemplate().getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession();
HibernateSearchProcessor hsp = HibernateSearchProcessor.getInstanceForSessionFactory(sf);
SearchResult<?> searchresult = hsp.searchAndCount(ss, so);
return searchresult;
package de.daibutsu.backend.dao.impl;
import java.util.Collection;
import org.springframework.dao.DataAccessException;
import org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateTemplate;
* @author bj
public abstract class BasisDAO<T> {
private HibernateTemplate hibernateTemplate;
* constructor
protected BasisDAO() {
protected HibernateTemplate getHibernateTemplate() {
return hibernateTemplate;
public void setHibernateTemplate(HibernateTemplate hibernateTemplate) {
this.hibernateTemplate = hibernateTemplate;
protected void initialize(final T proxy) throws DataAccessException {
protected void initialize(final Collection<T> proxy) throws DataAccessException {
protected T merge(T entity) throws DataAccessException {
return (T) hibernateTemplate.merge(entity);
protected void persist(T entity) throws DataAccessException {
protected void refresh(T entity) throws DataAccessException {
protected void save(T entity) throws DataAccessException {;
// public void saveOrUpdate(T entity) throws DataAccessException {
// hibernateTemplate.saveOrUpdate(entity);
// }
// public void saveOrUpdateAll(Collection<T> entities) throws
// DataAccessException {
// for (T entity : entities) {
// saveOrUpdate(entity);
// }
// }
protected void update(T entity) throws DataAccessException {
protected void delete(T entity) throws DataAccessException {
protected void delete(final Collection<T> proxy) throws DataAccessException {
package org.myfirm.webui.util.pagging;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.zkoss.lang.Strings;
import org.zkoss.zk.ui.event.Event;
import org.zkoss.zk.ui.event.EventListener;
import org.zkoss.zkplus.spring.SpringUtil;
import org.zkoss.zul.FieldComparator;
import org.zkoss.zul.ListModelList;
import org.zkoss.zul.Listbox;
import org.zkoss.zul.Listhead;
import org.zkoss.zul.Listheader;
import org.zkoss.zul.Paging;
import org.zkoss.zul.event.PagingEvent;
import de.daibutsu.backend.service.TestService;
import de.daibutsu.backend.util.HibernateSearchObject;
* Helper class for easier working to change the sorting of <br>
* paged records. <br>
* <br>
* All not used Listheaders must me declared as: <br>
* listheader.setSortAscending(""); <br>
* listheader.setSortDescending(""); <br>
* <br>
* zkoss 3.6.0 or greater (by using FieldComparator) <br>
* @author sge
* @param <E>
public class PagedListWrapper<E> extends ListModelList implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(PagedListWrapper.class);
// Service that calls the DAO methods
private TestService testService;
// param. The listbox component
protected Listbox _listBox;
// param. The listboxes paging component
protected Paging _paging;
// param. Initial list if needed
private List<E> _list;
// param. Initial SearchResult if needed
private SearchResult<E> _searchResult;
// param. The SearchObject
private HibernateSearchObject<E> _hibernateSearchObject;
// paging start row
private int _start;
// count records a page have to fetch
private int _pageSize;
// count total records queried (without paging)
private int _totalCount;
// not used yet. so it's init to 'true'.
private boolean _supportPaging = true;
// not used yet. so it's init to
private boolean _supportFilter = true;
* Constructor. <br>
* with an initial list.
* @param listBox
* Overhanded listBox. <br>
* @param paging
* Overhanded Paging component. <br>
* @param initialList
* Overhanded List with initial data. <br>
* @param searchObj
* Overhanded SearchObject. <br>
public PagedListWrapper(Listbox listBox, Paging paging, List initialList, HibernateSearchObject<E> searchObj) {
this._listBox = listBox;
this._paging = paging;
this._pageSize = _paging.getPageSize();
this._hibernateSearchObject = searchObj;
* Constructor. <br>
* with an initial SearchResult for getting the totalRecordCount and the
* list. <br>
* @param listBox
* Overhanded listBox. <br>
* @param paging
* Overhanded Paging component. <br>
* @param searchResult
* Overhanded SearchResult Object. <br>
* @param searchObj
* Overhanded SearchObject. <br>
public PagedListWrapper(Listbox listBox, Paging paging, SearchResult searchResult, HibernateSearchObject searchObj) {
this._listBox = listBox;
this._paging = paging;
this._pageSize = _paging.getPageSize();
this._searchResult = searchResult;
this._hibernateSearchObject = searchObj;
* Sets the listeners. <br>
* <br>
* 1. "onPaging" for the paging component. <br>
* 2. "onSort" for all listheaders that have a sortDirection declared. <br>
private void setListeners() {
// Add 'onPaging' listener to the paging component
_paging.addEventListener("onPaging", new OnPagingEventListener());
* Add 'onSort' listeners to the used listheader components. All not
* used Listheaders must me declared as:
* listheader.setSortAscending(""); <br>
* listheader.setSortDescending(""); <br>
Listhead listhead = _listBox.getListhead();
List list = listhead.getChildren();
for (Object object : list) {
if (object instanceof Listheader) {
Listheader lheader = (Listheader) object;
if (lheader.getSortAscending() != null || lheader.getSortDescending() != null) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("--> : " + lheader.getId());
lheader.addEventListener("onSort", new OnSortEventListener());
* "onPaging" eventlistener for the paging component. <br>
* <br>
* Calculates the next page by currentPage and pageSize values. <br>
* Calls the methode for refreshing the data with the new rowStart and
* pageSize. <br>
public final class OnPagingEventListener implements EventListener {
public void onEvent(Event event) throws Exception {
PagingEvent pe = (PagingEvent) event;
int pageNo = pe.getActivePage();
int start = pageNo * _pageSize;
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("--> : " + start + "/" + _pageSize);
// refresh the list
refreshModel(get_hibernateSearchObject(), start, _pageSize);
* "onSort" eventlistener for the listheader components. <br>
* <br>
* Checks wich listheader is clicked and checks which orderDirection must be
* set. <br>
* Calls the methode for refreshing the data with the new ordering. and the
* remembered rowStart and pageSize. <br>
public final class OnSortEventListener implements EventListener {
public void onEvent(Event event) throws Exception {
final Listheader lh = (Listheader) event.getTarget();
final String sortDirection = lh.getSortDirection();
if ("ascending".equals(sortDirection)) {
final Comparator cmpr = lh.getSortDescending();
if (cmpr instanceof FieldComparator) {
String orderBy = ((FieldComparator) cmpr).getOrderBy();
orderBy = orderBy.replace("DESC", "").trim();
// update SearchObject with orderBy
get_hibernateSearchObject().addSort(orderBy, true);
} else if ("descending".equals(sortDirection) || "natural".equals(sortDirection) || Strings.isBlank(sortDirection)) {
final Comparator cmpr = lh.getSortAscending();
if (cmpr instanceof FieldComparator) {
String orderBy = ((FieldComparator) cmpr).getOrderBy();
orderBy = orderBy.replace("ASC", "").trim();
// update SearchObject with orderBy
get_hibernateSearchObject().addSort(orderBy, false);
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("--> : " + lh.getId() + "/" + sortDirection);
logger.debug("--> added getSorts() : " + get_hibernateSearchObject().getSorts().toString());
if (is_supportPagging()) {
// refresh the list
refreshModel(get_hibernateSearchObject(), 0, _pageSize);
* Refreshes the list by calling the DAO methode with the modified search
* object. <br>
* @param so
* SearchObject, holds the entity and properties to search. <br>
* @param start
* Row to start. <br>
* @param pageSize
* Count rows to fetch. <br>
private void refreshModel(HibernateSearchObject<E> so, int start, int pageSize) {
// clear old data
List list = getTestService().getBySearchObject(so, start, pageSize);
get_list().addAll((Collection) list);
_listBox.setModel(new ListModelList(get_list()));
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ //
// ++++++++++++++++ Setter/Getter ++++++++++++++++++ //
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ //
public void set_supportPagging(boolean _supportPagging) {
this._supportPaging = _supportPagging;
public boolean is_supportPagging() {
return _supportPaging;
public void set_supportFilter(boolean _supportFilter) {
this._supportFilter = _supportFilter;
public boolean is_supportFilter() {
return _supportFilter;
public void set_hibernateSearchObject(HibernateSearchObject<E> hibernateSearchObject) {
this._hibernateSearchObject = hibernateSearchObject;
public HibernateSearchObject<E> get_hibernateSearchObject() {
return _hibernateSearchObject;
public void setTestService(TestService testService) {
this.testService = testService;
public TestService getTestService() {
if (testService == null) {
testService = (TestService) SpringUtil.getBean("testService");
return testService;
public void set_totalCount(int _totalCount) {
this._totalCount = _totalCount;
public int get_totalCount() {
return _totalCount;
public void set_list(List<E> _list) {
this._list = _list;
public List<E> get_list() {
return _list;
package org.myfirm.webui.util.searching;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
* This class represents only a few types of search operators <br>
* corresponding to the class. <br>
* from the Hibernate-Generic-DAO framework. <br>
* <br>
* The domain model have no corresponding table in a database and has a fixed
* length of records that should see as the search operators of what to search. <br>
* It's used only for showing the several operators in a dropdown list. <br>
* <br>
* Int | sign | search operator <br>
* ------------------------------------------<br>
* -1 | | no operator (like empty for reset) <br>
* 0 | = | equals <br>
* 1 | # | not equal <br>
* 2 | < | less than <br>
* 3 | > | greater than <br>
* 4 | <= | less or equal <br>
* 5 | >= | greater or equal <br>
* 7 | ~ | ilike <br>
* @author [email protected]
public class SearchOperators implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private int searchOperatorId;
private String searchOperatorSign;
private String searchOperatorName;
public void setSearchOperatorId(int searchOperatorId) {
this.searchOperatorId = searchOperatorId;
public int getSearchOperatorId() {
return searchOperatorId;
public void setSearchOperatorSign(String searchOperatorSign) {
this.searchOperatorSign = searchOperatorSign;
public String getSearchOperatorSign() {
return searchOperatorSign;
public void setSearchOperatorName(String searchOperatorName) {
this.searchOperatorName = searchOperatorName;
public String getSearchOperatorName() {
return searchOperatorName;
public SearchOperators() {
public SearchOperators(int searchOperatorId, String searchOperatorSign, String searchOperatorName) {
this.searchOperatorId = searchOperatorId;
this.searchOperatorSign = searchOperatorSign;
this.searchOperatorName = searchOperatorName;
public List<SearchOperators> getAllOperators() {
List<SearchOperators> result = new ArrayList<SearchOperators>();
// list position 0
result.add(new SearchOperators(-1, "", "no operator"));
// list position 1
result.add(new SearchOperators(Filter.OP_EQUAL, "=", "equals"));
// list position 2
result.add(new SearchOperators(Filter.OP_NOT_EQUAL, "#", "not equal"));
// list position 3
result.add(new SearchOperators(Filter.OP_LESS_THAN, "<", "less than"));
// list position 4
result.add(new SearchOperators(Filter.OP_GREATER_THAN, ">", "greater than"));
// list position 5
result.add(new SearchOperators(Filter.OP_LESS_OR_EQUAL, "<=", "less or equal"));
// list position 6
result.add(new SearchOperators(Filter.OP_GREATER_OR_EQUAL, ">=", "greater or equal"));
// list position 7
result.add(new SearchOperators(Filter.OP_ILIKE, "~", "ilike"));
return result;
public int hashCode() {
return getSearchOperatorId();
public boolean equals(SearchOperators searchOperators) {
return getSearchOperatorId() == searchOperators.getSearchOperatorId();
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (this == obj) {
return true;
if (obj instanceof SearchOperators) {
SearchOperators searchOperators = (SearchOperators) obj;
return equals(searchOperators);
return false;
package org.myfirm.webui.util.searching;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.zkoss.zul.Listcell;
import org.zkoss.zul.Listitem;
import org.zkoss.zul.ListitemRenderer;
public class SearchOperatorListModelItemRenderer implements ListitemRenderer {
private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(SearchOperatorListModelItemRenderer.class);
public void render(Listitem item, Object data) throws Exception {
SearchOperators searchOp = (SearchOperators) data;
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("--> " + searchOp.getSearchOperatorName());
Listcell lc = new Listcell(searchOp.getSearchOperatorSign());
item.setAttribute("data", data);
package de.daibutsu.backend.util;
* SearchObject depending on the Search Object from the Hibernate-Generic-DAO
* framework. <br>
* @see <br>
* Many thanks to David Wolvert.
* @author sge
* @param <E>
public class HibernateSearchObject<E> extends Search {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public HibernateSearchObject(Class<E> entityClass) {
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<zk xmlns=""
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<window id="customerSearchWindow"
title="${c:l('customerSearchWindow.title')}" border="none"
use="org.myfirm.webui.customer.CustomerSearchCtrl" closable="true"
width="400px" height="280px" sizable="true">
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<panelchildren style="padding: 5px">
<grid fixedLayout="true" style="border:0px"
<column width="130px" />
<column width="50px" />
<column width="100%" />
value="${c:l('label_CustomerSearch_kunNr.value')}" />
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width="43px" mold="select" rows="1" />
<textbox id="kunNr" width="150px" />
<separator bar="true"></separator>
<separator bar="true"></separator>
value="${c:l('label_CustomerSearch_kunMatchcode.value')}" />
id="sortOperator_kunMatchcode" width="43px" mold="select"
rows="1" />
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width="150px" />
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value="${c:l('label_CustomerSearch_kunName1.value')}" />
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width="43px" mold="select" rows="1" />
<textbox id="kunName1" width="99%" />
value="${c:l('label_CustomerSearch_kunName2.value')}" />
<listbox id="sortOperator_kunName2"
width="43px" mold="select" rows="1" />
<textbox id="kunName2" width="99%" />
value="${c:l('label_CustomerSearch_kunOrt.value')}" />
<listbox id="sortOperator_kunOrt"
width="43px" mold="select" rows="1" />
<textbox id="kunOrt" width="99%" />
value="${c:l('label_CustomerSearch_kunBranche.value')}" />
<listbox id="sortOperator_kunBranch"
width="43px" mold="select" rows="1" />
<listbox id="kunBranche"
width="100%" mold="select" rows="1" />
<south border="none" margins="1,0,0,0" size="26px"
<div id="divSouthCustomer" align="right">
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<hbox align="end">
<button id="btnSearch" height="20"
tooltiptext="${c:l('btnSearch.tooltiptext')}" />
<button id="btnClose" height="20"
tooltiptext="${c:l('btnClose.tooltiptext')}" />
Copyright © Stephan Gerth. This article is licensed under GNU Free Documentation License. |